If you are looking for a way to minimize the risk of a system shutdown, you should make sure that you have the right spare parts in stock. TKS Control Systems understands the importance of stocking spare parts, which is why we offer different Spare Parts Packages for our customers.
We will take a look at your oxidizer and will let you know which parts are essential for you to have in stock. Also, we will tell you which parts we recommended having a spare of and which parts you should only have to order as needed. We will help you to decide which package will work best for your company as well.
TKS offers four different spare parts packages:
Level 1. Spare Parts “Essential” Package:
As the name suggests, this package contains parts that are crucial and vital to the operation of your system. These parts will be the ones that are highly used and have a lot of wear on them. Essential parts are associated with a must-have safety feature of the system.
Level 2. Spare Parts “Recommended” Package:
This package contains parts that are important to the operation of your system. It may not be possible to operate the oxidizer system without these parts. The parts in this package do not fail usually, but they are an important part of the safety feature of the system.
Level 3. Spare Parts “Convenience” Package:
This package contains small consumables that are not essential to the operation of the system, but are necessary for documentation reasons.
Level 4. Spare Parts “As Required” Package:
This package contains components that are a part of the system, but are extremely unlikely to fail. Normally, they are not considered to be essential to the operation of the system.
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