Metal decorating includes any process in which metal is formed, coated or painted. Metal packaging includes any process that is involved with producing light metal containers, aluminum cans, closures and components.
Most importantly, though, metal decorating and packaging facilities have to uphold environmental regulations for air pollution control. TKS Control Systems can help with the following:
Thermal Recuperative Oxidizers usually were used since they have the ability to handle high-temperature, VOC-laden oven exhaust; and they can recoup the heat to reuse it in the ovens or other process equipment. However, an RTO (regenerative thermal oxidizer) is the most fuel efficient and preferred oxidation technology today. It is more recent and can significantly improve your system’s performance.
Thankfully, TKS can offer numerous solutions that will adhere to environmental regulations and help with your energy reduction goals.
Get a Free Fabrication Quote Today! For a free quote on custom fabrication, call (630) 554-3020 today.
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For A Free Fabrication Quote
Offices: 88 Templeton Dr. Oswego, Illinois 60543
Phone: (630) 554-3020
Fax :
(630) 554-6020